Yen Bai supports argricultural production households on ecomercial platform in order to support agricultural production households, individual business households, cooperatives and cooperative organizations to register to participate in e-commerce platforms...
Support agricultural production households to promote consumption of agricultural products on e-commerce platforms, promote rapid consumption, contribute to avoiding agricultural produc stagnation, promote the development of the digital economy of agriculture and rural areas, Yen Bai province has issued a plan to support agricultural production households on the e-commerce platform to promote the development of the agricultural and rural digital economy in the province.
Yen Bai province focuses on digitalizing data of agricutural production households by collecting and listing the data; defining products and information on e-commerce platform; training households to start and sale products on e-commerce plafform; training skills for salers, promote products;...
Organize transactions on the e-commerce platform. To upgrade and build brands for agricultural products of the province; advertising retails of agricultural products on domestic and international e-commerce platforms through trade promotion programs; connect with units that purchase, consume and import and export agricultural products.
Build habits activities on e-cormerce platform by creating resource providing materials for agricultural products and consuming products for farmers and agricultural household bussinesses; building platform and integrate public utilities, social services, increase utility and stimulate agricultural production households to participate in accessing and using the platform; organize communication, build trust for users when transacting on e-commerce platform.
The province also trains digital skills and bussiness skillds on e-commerce for agricultural household; choose products, marterials, tools for agricultural production to introduce and supply for agricultural households; Supply good information for households such as: information on agriculture marketsl need and demand forecast, agricutural production capacity, weather information, crop seasons… Supply information about key agricultural products, OCOP, key products of localities on e-commerce platform.
In 2022, 100% OCOP products which are rewarded from 3 stars will be put on e-commerce platforms: and; 100% agricultural householts will be trained digial skils and buissiness skills on e-commerce platforms; 10,000 accounts of e-commerce will be created and the number of transaction and transaction value also will be increased…
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